Beth is one of the first facilitators trained in the CFTE's Trauma Sensitive Yoga method and has over 1000 hours of training through the Kripalu Center's advanced certifications and a wide variety of movement workshops. Her classes focus on building predictability and engagement through micro-movement and choice-making. Over the last 15 years, she's led on-going TSY classes for youth, women in recovery, veterans, as well as in-service workshops at many therapeutic programs throughout Maine. She's a contributing writer to Yoga Service Council's Yoga and Resilience: Empowering Practices for Survivors of Sexual Trauma (Handspring Press, 2020) and teaches writing at Thomas College.
Beth has been facilitating TSY in Maine in a variety of therapeutic settings and privately for 15 years.
Led by CFTE facilitator Beth Jones, this workshop introduces the original Trauma Sensitive Yoga developed by David Emerson and Jenn Turner of the Center for Trauma and Embodiment (CFTE). Therapists, clinicians, DSPs, caregivers and family members supporting people who live with effects of one-time or chronic trauma and neglect are welcome to join. It’s an opportunity to learn some complementary tools for your treatment toolbox and to support your own well-being. This is also a great time to network in a respite-style approach to learning. A full TSY practice, meditations, info packet, resources, teas and nourishing snacks provided.
Beth has been facilitating TSY in Maine in a variety of therapeutic settings and privately for 15 years.
Saturday, April 26 @ 10a.m. - 12noon
Cost: $50
Location: The Loudon Hill Center 330 Water St. Hallowell
Please send queries or register with Beth, directly, at
Adult Yoga
This all-levels yoga class will leave you relaxed, stretched out, and strengthened. Each class will be different, but all will include:
~ A series of warm-ups to ready the body for the practice.
~ Attention to alignment in the poses with detailed instruction
~ Focus on breath awareness & how to use breath in the posture
~ Adaptations and props to enable all bodies to find the pose
~ Yoga’s non-physical teachings (mindfulness, non-violence, kindness, etc.)
~ Deep relaxation
Tuesdays 10 – 11:15 am
Session 1: 8 weeks / January 7th – February 25th
Session 2: 8 week / March 4th – April 22nd
Cost: $88 per series, or $13 drop-in fee per class
Partner Yoga Workshop
Whether you have a Valentine or not, take time Valentine’s Day Weekend to do your body good! For beginners or established yogis and yoginis, learn how to deepen your practice with the assist of a partner. Sometimes, even the most flexible of bodies like a bit of resistance, and the tightest bodies can learn to let go when someone else is doing the work. Don’t have a partner? We will match you up with someone else! To honor the holiday, we will also practice some heart openers and nurture the special energy of the heart chakra: gratitude, compassion, and love.
Saturday February 15th , 1 – 2:30 pm
*Pre-registration is Required
Cost: $30 per couple; $15 single person
Yoga for Kids!
School Vacation Workshop: Wednesday, Feb. 19th @ 10 - 11a.m. One time introductory class for kids, grades 1-6.
Yoga builds strength, flexibility, mindfulness, balance, self-esteem, and focus. Deep breathing helps to calm the mind and the nervous system. Most of all, yoga is fun!
Cost: Discounted price of $5 per child.
*Pre-register to hold your spot.
Drop-ins accepted if space is available.
Bring a yoga mat if you have one, not required. Please do not eat heavily before participating and wear comfortable clothing.
4 week session / March 7th – March 28th Ages 6 - 11
Fridays 4 – 4:45 pm
Children are natural yogis – they love to move! Learning to hold yoga postures teaches mindfulness, alignment, focus, and patience while at the same time gives growing bodies some much needed release. Even children hold tension in their bodies, even if they are not aware that it is there. This class is playful, yet ultimately leads to quiet relaxation at the end. Let the weekend begin with centering and release.
Cost: $35 per child, additional siblings $20 each
* Pre-registration required
To Register:
~ email (
~ call/text (508-615-3568)
~ payment in cash, check made out to Linda Davis,
Welcome Phoebe Ellen to The River Studio!
Phoebe offers a moderate paced vinyasa flow based on participant’s abilities. The class focuses on meditation and longer durations of poses to improve joint strength and stability while still flowing in a mobile vinyasa sequence. All ages and experience levels welcome (we move based on the class, no pressure but still opportunity to challenge yourself). Drop in to your body, stay awhile, and breathe with me.
Sundays @ 8:30-9:30 AM beginning
*No class 2/9 & 3/2
Cost: $15 per class
* Preregistration via email required
Deepening Your Yoga
Moving into asanas and exploring how you respond. Advancing at your pace in a friendly and welcoming class. I try and address the needs of everyone while we experiment with a variety of poses to both expand your knowledge of yoga and have your body and mind reap the rewards. Beginners welcome!
Mondays & Wednesdays @ 6 - 7:30 p.m.
No Class on 12/25 or 01/01
Yoga Unique to You
This class is for every body and specially designed for individuals who want to add yoga to their lives, feel more comfortable with a yoga practice, and progress at their own pace.
Pre registration is required.
Tuesdays @ 6 - 7:15pm
No class on 12/24 or 12/31
Yoga for Seniors
... or those who need to address certain limitations. This is a warm, friendly class where we explore a basic yoga routine that adapts to the students' pace and concerns. This class explores a variety of ways to practice yoga asanas (poses) while considering each student.
Fridays @ 1 - 2:30 p.m.
$120 for 10 classes
$65 for 5 classes
$15 for drop ins
If you have questions, call or text Nancy at #207-441-5970.
A gently-paced yoga flow incorporating Hatha and Vinyasa styles. A revitalizing practice that will include dynamic movements to improve flexibility, mobility, strength, and balance, with a focus on the foundations of postures. All levels of practitioner are welcome. Modifications and the use of props will be offered. (Must be able to get up and down from the floor)
Saturdays @ 9 - 10 a.m.
6 Week Series starting January 4th
Cost: $80
Pre-registration required.
Instructor Nicole Hudson currently offers regularly scheduled classes virtually via Zoom, and in-person Gentle Vinyasa Flow classes when in town.
In person classes:
Dates TBD
9- 10:00a.m.
This Gentle Vinyasa Flow class will focus on building shapes from the ground up and the core out. Students will explore how to safely transition through different asana postures from a functional anatomy approach and discover what works best for your individual body while combining breath, movement, and intention with fluidity and grace. All students are welcome.
Cost: $10 - $12
To learn more, visit:
Embark on a transformative journey as you follow the drone of the Monolini into a meditative restorative session that supports self-healing and introspection as one communes deeply with themselves, and experience expanded states of rest and inner peace. A beautiful reset for one’s nervous system.
$35 pay cash or check the night of class
To register, contact Brenda:
phone: 207-557-2664
or email:
Inclusive Adult Dance Class
Do you like to dance in your kitchen? Have you ever wanted to move expressively without judgement? Come to an Inclusive Adult Dance Class to find freedom in your joints, creativity within, and your power to try new ways of moving. The teacher will draw from nearly 20 years of experience of teaching dance as a community based arts! Come try this class for adults!
Fridays @ 6 - 7p.m.
Dates: 01/17, 02/07, 03/14
Location :
Grande Hall, Upper Level. of the Loudon Hill Center
Next door @ 330 Water Street
Authentic Movement, also known as Contemplative Dance, is an expressive, improvisational movement practice that allows participants a type of free association of the body. A simple form of self-directed movement, this practice of deep listening is done with eyes closed in the presence of at least one witness. Movers explore spontaneous gestures, movements and stillness, following inner impulses to move and be moved. Time spent in visual or written artistic expression and sharing of personal experience follows the movement period. This practice is found to be a source of artistic inspiration, a mode of meditation, and the ground for developing insight and clarity of presence in daily life.
No dance experience is needed. Wear comfortable clothes.
Monthly Group session starting January 2025
1st Sundays: 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4 *5/18 make-up class
$125 payable in total or monthly installments
$25 Deposit due by Sunday, 12/15
Individual sessions by appointment.
Together we explore our inner landscape through breath based movement. We will be inspired by world traditions passed down through the ages from the Fertile Crescent and cultures honoring the Divine Feminine: a dance of life force, sensuality and celebration of our physical form. We will dance serpentine- style and journey through music and movement that will inspire you to go deep.
Dressing for class is really up to you, but dress ready to move. It helps to avoid stiff clothing, nothing with a high waistband. Leotards, leggings, bring a long, flowing skirt or loose pants. Be prepared to dance barefoot, if you are able. You might want to bring some layers to accommodate for temperature.
We will dance with veils and I will have veils for you to use. If you want to bring your own, let it be 3 1/2 to 4 yards of very light weight fabric. Bring a hip scarf if you have one. We will also explore rhythm using finger cymbals or zils. Don’t worry if you do not have them. Bring a journal and a pen.
Group Class Dates TBD
The River Studio is the home of the Thursday morning sangha, practicing in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Gatherings include sitting meditation, walking meditation, dharma reading and dharma sharing. Meeting Thursdays 8:00 - 9:30a.m. In person gatherings every week;, except the last week of each month only will meet virtually via Zoom. FMI, contact:
Bamboo Stick Exercise was developed to optimize fluidity, balance, and longevity in the body. A series of 16 gentle movements are completed in synchrony with the body’s breath while incorporating the use of a light bamboo stick, creating an alignment of mind and body. * Wear comfortable clothing.
Winter Session located at the KVYMCA
Dates: Jan. 10 - Feb. 28 (8 sessions)
8 - 9 a.m.
* Registration through the Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Center
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh shares, "Allowing your body to rest is very important. When your body is at ease and relaxed, your mind will be at peace as well. The practice of Deep Relaxation is essential for your body and mind to heal. Please take the time to practice it often."
Come and allow yourself to rest, where there is nowhere to go and nothing to do.
Winter Dates 2025: 1/26, 2/23, 3/30, 4/27
Cost: Suggested Donation $10
No one is turned away!
1 ½ hour weekly class, this intergenerational group offers itself as a vehicle for choreographic exploration. Dancers engage in traditional warm up and floor work in preparation for learning site specific choreography. Choreographers share studio time.
Membership is by invitation only. Thursdays 6:15 - 7:45p.m.
Interested dancers &/or choreographers are encouraged to contact Christine to express interest in participation:
Spiral Dance Collective
Opening & Closing phrases were shared by hundreds of dancers from 30 states at 56 different locations across the United States!
The Spiral Dance Collective entered into conversation with local biologists & conservationists, sculptors, writers, and community dancers to explore our relationship with the Kennebec River.
This dance is our response to these questions.
Full length video of the Spiral Dance Collective's Earth Day Performance 2023
I was inspired to create the Spiral Dance Collective because I longed for the opportunity to choreograph in a collaborative way with dancers, and to create a forum for other choreographers to have access to dancers for their own creative ideas. I chose the name of the group because to me, the spiral represents the many stages of life, as well as the ever widening impact of one action rippling out and out and out. I felt moved to gather a troupe of like minded dancers of many ages and experiences, and to explore site specific choreography.
Joining the Spiral Dance Collective gave me a creative outlet for my love of movement and dance. I was intrigued by the idea of forming my own steps without a set choreography or program. I wanted to see what it would feel like to just let myself go and feel joy in the moment. Our dance sessions send me out on my way home with a smile on my face and a lightness in my heart. I love doing and trying many different types of dance. I enjoy doing modern free form style dancing like our Spiral Dance Collective. I also enjoy trying to learn couples’ dances Iike Swing and Salsa. I have always enjoyed moving to music since taking ballet dance lessons as a kid.
I studied dance as a creative community art at Hampshire College and joined a small company in Maine from 2007 through 2014. After a long break, I spent a year researching dance opportunities surrounding me and felt most aligned with the collaborative and intergenerational nature that Christine is moved by. My favorite kind of dance is in the kitchen of our home and dancing evolved from intrinsic gestures or movements that hold life metaphor.
I was invited to join this group through another dancer who knows I have been hungering to be part of a group who wants to dance, create pieces in a collaborative and improvisational manner. My favorite type of dance is free, wild improv, and creating pieces with a group that includes the challenge of some choreography. Also, authentic/contemplative movement.
I love to dance and was happy to hear that a small dance group was forming in my new home town and was looking for dancers. I was a modern dance major in school, so that is the broad classification under which I have always danced.
After observing, painting, photographing the mighty Kennebec for many years, the transformative power of the river called me to reflect its majestic energy through movement. I had no choice, but step into this beautiful project and join forces with likeminded dancers.
Ever since my arrival in Maine in late 1992, I had the great fortune of finding a warm and dynamic dance and theater community. I joined the Spiral Dance Collective after my separation from dance due to medical training, Covid isolation and then moving to Winthrop. I feel blessed to explore rhythm, time and space with this generous collective. Dance can bring people together, can heal.
I was excited to join Christine and the dancers to connect with community members and make an impact through movement! Any chance to d
ance is a blessing and I was thrilled to have this opportunity. My favorite style of dance is ballet, but I love all styles.
I was inspired to join The Spiral Dance Collective after attending a retreat in the fall where the teacher gave me a bracelet as a reminder to continue doing what made me happy at the retreat when I returned home. After reaching out to Christine and learning more about her visions, I felt a strong connection and realized that the bracelet
I was inspired to join The Spiral Dance Collective after attending a retreat in the fall where the teacher gave me a bracelet as a reminder to continue doing what made me happy at the retreat when I returned home. After reaching out to Christine and learning more about her visions, I felt a strong connection and realized that the bracelet was a symbol of The Spiral Dance Collective. My favorite type of dance is improv……Put the music on, and let the music move the body.
What inspired me to join the Spiral Dance Collective is the the concept of the group and the Marigolds Downriver dance. I thought that it was very unique to have a group that showcases different dancers and also comes together to communicate a message through movement. My favorite style of dance is contemporary. I think contemporary is a
What inspired me to join the Spiral Dance Collective is the the concept of the group and the Marigolds Downriver dance. I thought that it was very unique to have a group that showcases different dancers and also comes together to communicate a message through movement. My favorite style of dance is contemporary. I think contemporary is a style that is up for interpretation and is a style where you can express your emotions.
The River Studio is supportive of area artists and teachers in need of a space to share their passion! Whether you are interested in offering a one time workshop or an ongoing class, we welcome a conversation with you.
See Rental Policy for details.
Friday, 01/07 @ 6 - 7p.m.
Located next door @ The Loudon Hill Center 330 Water St. Hallowell
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